Transgender Law Center

MHM Ep. 3: Disclosure

Good morning REVOLUTIONARIES! We hope that you've all been safe and well this past week! On today's podcast we're talking about the complexities and intracies of disclosure and how we can make it more affirming for those of us doing the disclosure.


You can listen here:

or on LibSyn!

We'll start with a word to our allies and the 3 C's of being safe places for folks to disclose to:

  1. Be Conscious- Check your privilege, know this is difficult and know that you don't have the right to this information.
  2. Be Considerate- Can you help everyone navigate physical environment safely, are you a safe person generally and are you using affirming and non-normative language?
  3. Get Consent- If someone has disclosed to you, they have disclosed to YOU only. Be respectful and honor this information.

We'll also discuss planning the best structure for our disclosure, getting clear on our needs, getting clear on the space we have to educate others and how to communicate everything clearly and succinctly.

Here are some of the links that we mention in our podcast:

Thanks so much for listening! We hope that this was helpful and we'd love to hear your thoughts, experiences and resources as well!


Skye + Traci


You can reach us at