Sinking in

MHM 13: Gratitude + Presence

“Work is love made visible. And if you can't work with love, but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of the people who work with joy”

{Kahlil Gibran}



Happy Monday! Skye and I are so happy to be back in podcast land! We don't get to do the whole podcast together today and we had to record remotely but we're sitting in present gratitude to be able to share with you all today.. in any format. <3


Take a listen! Or visit our LibSyn Page here.

As always you can reach us at…



Skye + Traci 


Skye is a youth worker, educator, activist and white transmasculine human. Traci is a therapist, yoga teacher, educator and queer vegan femme-inist of color. They reside, practice, navigate, process, survive and flourish in the Southern California area.

Healing Reflections: Bloom Bravely


We hope all is well out in your worlds! I'm a little bit under the weather. It's been quite a winter season! I was talking to the studio owner over at Deep Dog Yoga, Yorba Linda about the Wednesday morning class before it started. The class, while always lovely, really seems to flow with the seasons. Sometimes we're a very small group and sometimes a large group. Sometimes we move and sometimes, like this morning, what seemed to be called for was deep grounding, stretching and strengthening for our bodies and our hearts.

Hump Day is real! It can be a struggle or a leaping off point. It's an interesting little moment in time and space each week and we've been loving offering you a Quick Healing Tip to get you through the week. In the off weeks of this bi-weekly series we're still feeling into what might be needed on Wednesdays here at COM|PASSionate REVOLT and decided that this week a little healing reflection might be just the thing.

We stumbled upon this lovely post by Recreating a Beautiful Mind and wanted to point you over there today in case you're struggling to Bloom Bravely this Wednesday.

In bravery,

Traci + COM|PASSionate REVOLT


Traci is a yoga teacher and therapist in the Orange County area. She sometimes struggles with Wednesdays but is learning to foster dialogue with the moment, listen into body and sink into healing.