COM|PASSionate Events

Heyo ADVENTURERS! Is everyone ready for the weekend?

We've been thinking a lot about change and journey- all the ways that we plan for the worst and hope for the best. We've been contemplating the positive potential of intentions versus the negative potential of expectations. We've been doing our damn best to travel with the spirit of The Fool and the wisdom of The World.

{Image Credit:}

We've been thinking about what it means to traverse the road of life in this way. We've been asking ourselves how to sink into trust that this is the best way to live. We're taking road trips and paths less traveled. We're stopping to smell roses (and fennel and sage and lavender) that we find on the side of the road. We're uncovering wonders in each other and treasures in ourselves.

{Image Credit:}

How are your journeys going, loves?


Get out, take care of yourself and heal in community!


Don't forget there's lots of upcoming ways to get involved!

  • Gender Odyssey is coming up at the end of August! Aunty Kate is doing the keynote and the programming looks rad! We're still not sure if we're going to make it up Seattle but we're crossing our fingers! We've heard the community and events around the actual conference programming is also the jam! Check it out if you can or put it on your roadtrip wishlist!
  • Some music and art love!
    • Heart of Art Gallery : This gallery/event space just popped up into our awareness and we are loving everything we've seen! We haven't made it out yet but hope to soon! Let us know if you go to anything! 80's night coming up!!!
    • Annenburg Space for Photography just popped onto our radar (okay, full disclosure we weren't doing anything artsy or cultured- we saw banners in Highland Park while we were getting vegan donuts at Donut Friend). We're hoping to catch the Emerging exhibit soon. We're also interested in this lecture on Radical Love. Lots of great free events!
  • OCFTM Annual Beach Party coming up on September 19th!


We are going to make it up to Seattle for Gender Odyssey next week so we're going to leave you with some travel music.

We'll miss you SoCal but all the good coffee will help ease the pain! <3


Missing you,

The COM|PASSionate REVOLT Community<3


*Events are put on by the CR Community/CR Community members. Other events are by friends of the CR Community or of interest to the CR Community. Feeling a little nervous about getting out and involved? Email us and if we can we'll make some introductions so you have a friendly face to say "Hi" to when you get there!

**Most of these events will be local to Southern CA (unless we notice an event that sets us off into road trip dreamland.) If you want to do a COM|PASSionate event round-up for your local area let us know!

***Are you an individual, meet-up or community group that has some COM|PASSionate events of your own? Email us for details on how to submit your event to our calendar!

****Have your own story about healing or thoughts on healing? Are you a queer vegan healer? Want to talk to your community about ways you're living consciously and connected? Do you want your blog, org, or event to be featured on one of our running series or want to do an interview introducing yourself to the COM|PASSionate REVOLT Community? Are you a unicorn in a pony world disguising your magickal star dust sprinkling mane to live amongst the commoners?

Pitch us a blog series or interview idea!! Contact us at!


There are photographs in this post that were borrowed lovingly from the internet and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the photographers and websites who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the subject's or artist's identity or beliefs. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.